Maddie Scheier, basketball, Somerville

Somerville High's Maddie Scheier Talks Basketball and NCAA Experience With Her Sister

Maddie Scheier and Callie Scheier

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(Photo by Lauren Guillen - JSN)

For Maddie Scheier, sports have always played a major role in her life. As a whole, sports play a passionate role in the lives of the Scheier family.

Maddie, recently finished her sophomore season, her first at Somerville High School. She also stars on the AAU circuit. Her father, Adam Scheier, is the Special Teams Coordinator for Rutgers football, while her sister, Callie, plays Division I basketball at High Point University.

In March, Maddie and her family had the opportunity to experience to the NCAA Tournament as they traveled to San Antonio to watch Callie played in the NCAA Basketball Tournament. Unfortunately for High Point, they had a first round matchup against the UConn Huskies. 

Jersey Sporting News sat down with Maddie to discuss what it’s like being part of a sports-crazed family.

Maddie Scheier On her basketball season ...

It was a shortened season.  They kept going back and forth over whether we would be able to play at all, but I was glad we were able to get a season in.  At first they streamed the games so my parents were able to watch on YouTube because they didn’t allow fans [to attend], but in the end of the season, my parents were able to come to a few games. It was weird having an empty gym and not hearing my dads voice in the stands cheering me on.

On these past few years in high school moving from North Carolina to New Jersey during Covid-19…

With moving to New Jersey, I haven’t been able to attend regular school in over a year.  We go a couple of days a week due to the restrictions, and the rest is virtual.  

On traveling during a pandemic and getting to see her sister play in the Women's NCAA tournament for High Point University against National Championship contender UCONN ...

It was an amazing experience.  It was strange traveling with having to wear a mask the whole time, but getting a chance to see her play was incredible.  Obviously, [winning] was a long shot, but it was exciting to see her play against the best players in the game.

On whether she would like to play at High Point and growing up on basketball with her sister Callie Scheier... 

My sister [Callie] is my inspiration.  We have played basketball together since we were kids, we train together.  If it was possible, I would love to follow in her footsteps and play at High Point, but I am also creating my own path.

On being a “coach’s kid” and moving so often because of the mercurial nature of coaching …

I love being a coach’s kid.   The traveling can be [difficult] and having to start over again, but I would not trade it for anything.

On women’s basketball in general ....

I hope more people watch the women’s game.  I feel like we [women] can do anything the men can do and I hope it continues to grow in the future.  

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