Could it be Rib Pain?

Could it be Rib Pain?

At one point or another, everyone experiences some type of pain. How you recover from that pain can be simplified down to how adaptable you are or whether you have reached your breaking point. The rib cage is a common cause of pain for people and is regularly seen at Pure Health Services. Commonly misdiagnosed as a spinal problem, the rib cage can create several other neurological and muscle/joint pains elsewhere. 
Before we go on, let’s review the basics of the rib cage. It is an important structure that protects vital organs. It also functions to allow for inhalation and exhalation with the required expansion and recoil of the ribs. When this happens, all the ribs need to roll in specific directions relative to their location to allow expansion of the lungs and back. Unfortunately, when the ribs expand it leaves you vulnerable to injury especially when lifting something heavy or even reaching to grab something.
Most people understand the concept that joints are structures that can become compromised and will result in pain. What is not often talked about is how the ribs themselves can misalign and cause significant discomfort. With rib pain, the most common symptom is pain with coughing or deep breaths especially when in a twisted position. The pain can be localized to a single point which would typically be where it attaches to the spine or sternum (middle of the chest) or in between the ribs. A common location for women is in the upper back under or right next to the shoulder blade. This happens when the joints themselves are stuck or do not move appropriately. When the pain is in between your ribs it is usually due to the long side of the ribs getting either jammed together or being separated too far. This would create a stretch or compression effect on the nerves that run in between the ribs.
Now, this is where it gets amazing. Most have the understanding that everything is connected in the body. When one area goes awry another area will feel it eventually. It is a normal adaptive response with eventual failure to cope. With the rib cage it usually manifests with shoulder or neck problems. When you think of the shoulder usually it is just the ball and socket joint. The ribs, shoulder blade, collar bone and all the related joints directly affect shoulder and neck function and can create pain or pulling. There are even some muscles that attach to the neck that help the ribs move when breathing. When those muscles guard the ribs then pain and tightness can manifest in your neck. 
A proper diagnosis is critical when creating an effective plan of treatment. Doctors at Pure Health Services understand the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the rib cage so they can help you with your pain. Start the healing process now and call us at 732-747- 0083 or visit us at

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